How to style a fashion harness

With #fetishcore now trending, you might be wondering how to incorporate one of these unique pieces into your wardrobe. As someone who has been wearing these on the daily for years, I’ve got you!

Whether it’s business casual, casual-casual or a legit social outing, the fashion harness is not as difficult to style as one might think. And because creating outfits and collections is my kind of shit, here’s a quick video of four different looks (reusing pieces of my capsule wardrobe because trying to limit consumption is a vibe).

If the Janet Harness calls to you or you’re interested in checking out some of my other available pieces, please be sure to visit my shop!

Elevate your style with one of a kind harnesses + accessories made from upcycled materials. Revival by JJ is live.

Where Is The Line Between Intuition & Assumption? | Why Are We Like This?

To all they boys I thought I loved before… And anyone who has ever believed their intuition is broken – It’s NOT. She just can’t go on existing, unchecked…

Today’s meditation got me thinking about my intuition’s relationship with my romantic relationships…  I mostly agree that my intuition has THE BEST intentions, but I’ve realized that she still needs to checked!  TRUTH – Intuition helps us make quick, in the moment decisions.  But that doesn’t mean that those decisions shouldn’t then be tested over time to either confirm or deny that we’re on the right path.

Introverts Unite | Social Distancing & Falling Up

Social distancing? This introvert is here for it. But I will admit that forced alone time has me questioning why I do the things I do. Like WHY do I HATE phone calls so much? Patience will be tested and myths will be busted…

Zoom calls? Google Hangouts?  Social Distancing is legit my lifetime mood so I’m not even bothered.  But I will say that enforced alone time is prompting me to question why I do the things I do and while channeling The Happiness Advantage, I’m figuring out how I can ‘fall up’ from these struggles.

Bruh, You’re Not Going To Be On All The Time

Things were going so well… Until they weren’t. ADULTING. This is what we wished for, wasn’t it? Real talk though if we weren’t tested, we wouldn’t grow. So I will accept you shitty times because I know what comes after…

Things were going so well… Until they weren’t. ADULTING. This is what we wished for, wasn’t it? Real talk though if we weren’t tested, we wouldn’t grow. So I will accept you shitty times because I know what comes after…

Simple Fashion Tips | How to Find Your Own Personal Style

What was that I heard you say? That you have nothing to wear? And I bet you have a closet full of clothes, am I right? No shade if you want to follow trends but if you want to find your OWN personal style, this episode’s for you. And if you want to chat more, drop me a message because I’d love to help. Links to stuff mentioned in this episode:

Stuff mentioned in this episode…

Fashion Tips:

  1. Curate a personal uniform.
  2. Pick a colour scheme/story.
  3. Create a mood or Pinterest board to use as your style inspiration.
  4. Use your body as a canvas to express yourself with fashion.
  5. Find some signature pieces and/or make pieces a unique representation of you.

Matt & Nat Draden Jacket

What Happens After You Find A Passion Project

Found some inspiration, now if only I could just keep this going.
Expect to hear about some of the positive and unexpected changes I’ve noticed since discovering my new passion project plus why mayo is the universal spread that keeps on giving. Links to stuff mentioned in this episode:

Links to stuff mentioned in this episode:

(Just click the italicized words.  You’re welcome.)

If you want to hear about my struggles to find a new apartment in Toronto:

Singleism in the City

How to find an Apartment as a Single Person in the City

Sustainably Vegan‘s YouTube Channel

Gardein Beefless Ground

Tofutti Sour Cream

WayFare Sour Cream

Hellmann’s Vegan Mayo

Follow Your Heart/Earth Island Mayo (The two flavours I like are Sriracha and Chipotle)

Edgy Veg’s Aquafaba video on YouTube

Bit of the Good Stuff Vegan Mayo Recipe


How to Start Your First Podcast | Tips From A Newbie

For other podcasting or pre-podcasting newbies. Expect to hear what equipment I’m using to get started and a few tips I wish I knew at the start of the process, plus some thoughts on reducing waste in your skincare routine.
Links to stuff mentioned in this episode:

Links to stuff mentioned in this episode:

(Just click the italicized words.  You’re welcome.)


Blue Microphones Snowball iCE Condenser Microphone

Edifier W820BT Bluetooth Headphones


Jason Lavender Body Wash

I don’t know why I said ‘Naked Body’, the brand is BUCK NA-KED Soap Company.  The bar I’m using now is Lavender + Rosemary

Vegan Imperative

Alba Botanica Hawaiian Facial Cleanser Pineapple Enzyme

SIBU Cleansing Face & Body Bar

Gittemary Johansen‘s YouTube page

Lush Black Pot Recycling

Yes, you can hear a couple cars honking.  Sorry!  I live in the city.  Eventually I’ll learn how to edit those things out.

The Only Direction Is Up When You’ve Hit Rock Bottom

The best part about the worst day ever is that it can only get better from there. Things have taken a turn since the last episode – in the best way possible. Expect to hear some thoughts on dealing with low motivation, to be tempted by drool-worthy Instagram food pics and how caffeine addiction can help you to reduce your waste. Links to stuff mentioned in this episode:

Links to stuff mentioned in this episode:

(Just click the italicized words.  You’re welcome.)


The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck

Sorry I’ve Got Plants

Queen Fresh Market

Molla AirSmart Air Fryer

Potato Salad on my Instagram

Ikea Patar Ground, Dark Roast, Organic Coffee

Organic Traditions Beet Root Latte

Clore Beauty Supply

AG Hair Products I used:  AG Hair Curl Mousse Gel and AG Hair Fast Food Leave In Conditioner

Shea Moisture Red Palm Oil & Cocoa Butter Rinse Out or Leave In Conditioner

Function of Beauty

Shea Moisture Jamaican Black Castor Oil Strengthen & Restore Leave In Conditioner

In regards to the Tetley tea – It will be more than the next couple weeks, because that box is 216 tea bags!

The Pilot: How To Begin Again After Your Life Implodes

As is the cycle of life, everything is always going great; until it isn’t. This episode starts off real low but that always feels like the best time to start something new – like my first ever real life podcast :). Expect to hear some hope after a massive fail, thoughts on a new vegan meal delivery service and some ideas on how to be a little less wasteful.
Links to stuff mentioned in this episode:

Links to stuff mentioned in this episode:

(Just click the italicized words.  You’re welcome.)

Green Zebra Kitchen Meal Delivery Service.  Use my link to get $15 off your first order.

GRASS Toronto.

Sorry I’ve Got Plants meal plan service.

Vegan peanut sauce recipe.

Sustainably Vegans YouTube Channel.

Natur-a Vanilla Soy Milk

Queen Fresh Market

It was chipotle chili powder NOT chipotle seasoning!